VIPA assists Ministry recovery cluster on Santo after TC Harold's destruction

VIPA is participating in the Ministry of Trades recovery efforts through a cluster group that has been deployed to Santo after a Category 5 cyclone hit the island in early April.

The Ministry deployed a team of staff from each key department within the ministry to assist in recovery and relief efforts that are currently being undertaken on Santo.

TC Harold caused utter destruction and loss of lives when it plundered down on the country's biggest island on the evening of April 5th.

Businesses, private homes, government buildings all suffered tremendous damage on the islands of Santo, Pentecost and parts of Ambae and Ambrym.

VIPA has recieved reports from foreign investors mainly on the island of Santo on the destruction and damage and has considered recovery options for these businesses through fee waivers.

VIPA understands and sympathizes with all who have lost valuable assets and items as a result of TC Harold.

The VIPA staff assisting the Ministry cluster will be taking in stock of businesses that have been affected on Santo and will be providing a report to the main office for further action.

Australia, China and other diplomatic country friends of Vanuatu have already showed their support in aid for the recovery efforts of TC Harold.