An opportunity for you to engage with global investors
VFIPA through its strategic partnership with PTI China is introducing you to this online platform to promote your investment.
Featured updates and announcements
Keeping You Informed
VFIPA maintains friendly customer service to its customers at ease at Holiday Inn
January 23, 2025
VFIPA Participation on Vanuatu Made Event
October 1, 2024
Santo Public Servant’s Day 2024 Celebrated with Success and Innovation
September 12, 2024
Our journey to cashless foreign investment registration payment
September 5, 2024
Register and pay for your foreign investment certificate (FIRC) online.

We work directly with global investors to exploit investment opportunities and facilitate expansion in Vanuatu. Covid-19 presents both challenges and risks to everyone. If you are looking for a location that is safe and offers seamless services that makes it easy for you to grow your investment operations - you have come to the right place.
Why Invest In Vanuatu
Our strong financial sector, growing infrastructure and low tax jurisdiction offer best options for your investment plan
Hear What Our Existing Investors Say

Citadel Institute of Medical Sciences Limited

Austrade Pacific Supplies PTY Ltd

Clara Santo Limited

Toshiba – Delighting Everyone Project (DEP)

Santo Timber Processing and Products Limited

Citta Resort & SPA Limited
We are a statutory body promoting Foreign Direct Investment into Vanuatu and operating under the Ministry of Trade, Tourism, Commerce, Industries and Ni Vanuatu Business.
We are the first stop or point of contact for providing expert facilitation services during the investment decision-making process including advice and other information relating to entry and business startup requirements, investment opportunities, location and changes in policies and regulatory requirements.


Friday, 28 February 2020, Jen Bowtel
Jen Bowtel
Natapoa Consulting
Many thanks Lashie,
Really appreciate your help here.
And just some quick feedback - you and your team have been amazing! Honestly such a big difference from trying to renew my VIPA this year compared the last two years where I would come in and call and come in and call and no one would ever come back to me or provide any advice. This year has been such a nice chance. Thank you so much for your great communication and efficiency. Great job!
Many thanks - jen

Wednesday, 23 October 2019 Manuel Valdez
Manuel Valdez
Pacific Trade Invest - New Zealand
I have found VIPA staff very friendly and accommodating. Many a times during my inquiries, the staff have been very helpful and deliver the required information promptly. VIPA customer services has been tremendous and responded to emails on time.
Manuel Valdez
Acting Trade & Investment Commissioner
Wednesday, 16 October 2019 Dragos Mihaila
Dragos Mihaila
Pacific Link Limited
I would not hesitate to say that the services I have received from VIPA were, by far, the only ones that proved to go a long way to ensure that the processes and related queries/obstacles encountered were well documented and covered to completion.
Apart from the usual business, the VIPA staff were also involved and stepped in assisting with processes and advice outside their designated areas, to fill in gaps that could not be supported by other governmental departments. By comparison with other departments, it was a pleasure to deal with VIPA staff.
Dragos Mihaila, BComm

It’s Time to Unlock Vanuatu’s Potential: A Bold Review of the Reserve and Restricted List for a Thriving Economic Future
The Vanuatu Foreign Investment Promotion Agency (VFIPA) is spearheading a comprehensive review of the country’s Reserved and Restricted Investment Lists, […]
Investment Promotion Strategy
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VFIPA Engages Public at 2024 PSC Day Event
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