Minister for Trade, Tourism Industry, Commerce and Investment

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The Hon. Bob Loughman was appointed New Minister for Trade and Investment in place of politician Joe Natuman following his resignation under the Government led by Hon Charlot Salwai. Both MPs are VP veteran politicians from the constituency of Tanna in Tafea Province.

Hon. Bob Loughman was first elected as member of Parliament for Tanna constituency in 2004. As member of parliament, Mr. Laughman as assumed a number of parliamentary roles. (i) He was member of committee on standing orders review, (ii) He was also member of public accounts committee and (iii) chairman of standing order review committee.

He was Minister of Education from 2013 to 2015 under Mr Natuman’s former government. On 28 May 2018, Mr. Loughman was appointed Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Tourism, Trade, Commerce and Ni Vanuatu Business.

Prior to pursuing his career in politics, Mr. Loughman has been a national coordinator for the rural skills training project and was Director for the department of Local Authorities.