In brief
- Fisheries resources are under-exploited. Opportunities exist to make use of existing facilities to fully exploit the country's marine resources
- The need to supply a larger proportion of the protein needs of a rapidly growing population from local stocks means engaging in other activities such as farming of shrimps, giant clams and fish
- Contributed 4.0 percent to Agriculture, Fishing and Forestry overall contribution to total GDP (National Statistics Office 2009 preliminary GDP (in real terms) estimates)
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Nangae nuts as they are called locally or the “Canarium Indicum nuts” is one of Vanuatu’s top cash crops and will become the best known nuts in the world. Given its abundant throughout many of the islands and remains the traditional food crops for the indigenous
Nangae nuts as they are called locally or the “Canarium Indicum nuts” is one of Vanuatu’s top cash crops and will become the best known nuts in the world. Given its abundant throughout many of the islands and remains the traditional food crops for the indigenous